Smart Buildings: Sustainable Solutions & AI Insights

In the early 1980s, smart buildings entered commercial real estate. Referred to as an “intelligent building” at the time, Cityplace in Hartford, Connecticut gained attention for being a “data highway” built on telephone lines. Why was this so important? During an energy crisis, this building delivered the opportunity for cost reductions in heating, lighting, and elevator use.

Since the 80’s there have been many changes in the technology of these buildings. IoT and AI now aid in the building’s function and collect vast amounts of data on their operations. While cost savings are still an important advantage of smart buildings, they have also been linked to creating a more sustainable future.

Smart Buildings & Sustainability

Now we are not just talking about environmental sustainability here, but social too. In commercial buildings, many people enter and spend most of their day inside. The health and wellness of these individuals are at risk if they are not working in a safe and healthy environment. Take indoor air quality for example. Being able to understand the air quality and make changes to improve it is only possible if you have a way of monitoring it. Smart technology inside these buildings allows you to do so.

As well, buildings are responsible for 39% of global energy-related carbon emissions. With the current climate crisis lowering emissions related to buildings is crucial for our future. Luckily, smart buildings can aid in this venture. To make changes to lower emissions, you need good data to understand problematic areas and to discover where changes can be made. Smart buildings allow this while also aiding in increasing energy efficiencies and keeping on top of machine maintenance so everything runs as efficiently as possible. For those who run these buildings, the advantage of these switches will also reduce costs. Lowering energy use and ensuring peak efficiency is good for the environment while also keeping your costs down.

The Data Challenge

Smart buildings give owners, occupants, or management vast amounts of data. The sheer amount of data can be overwhelming when looking to track changes or use it for reporting. As well, it isn’t always easy to get the data. With all the devices in one building or if you have a portfolio of many buildings, getting all the data and sorting for what you need can be a time-consuming and technologically complex endeavor.

The ScriptString Solution

At ScriptString, we are a data-first platform, it is our specialty. For smart buildings, we can automate the process of gathering all the data and delivering the data that you need to make decisions or reports. Instead of having employees work hard processing this data themselves, we automate it for you. This gives them more time to focus on what matters most, finding efficiencies, delivering cost savings, and making the built environment more sustainable.

Want to fully understand how ScriptString can aid businesses in getting even more out of their smart buildings? Book a demo today to see ScriptString in action!


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